Apex Legends mobile : News
Apex Legends is a popular game. It was released first in 2019. Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts is the developer of Apex Legends. It was released in 2019 for PC, ps, Xbox One. In 2021 , the developers also released Apex Legends for the Nintendo Switch.
The game comed in the era of entertaing battle royal games like Fortnite , warzone ,and PUBG. The storyline is set in the same universe as Titanfall, another one of Respawn Entertainment’s amazing games.
The game also has a 3v3 deathmatch which gets very intense just as you would expect from a deathmatch. The developers started working on the project in 2016.
The developers announced a mobile version of the game after its release. It’s clear that Respawn and EA are eager to get a foothold in the battle royal genre. Since getting their game to mobile phones would make a great competition. Especially against PUBG Mobile, a game that still stands banned in many countries.
In April 2021, Apex Legends Mobile was announced for a closed Beta in certain regionTill now, the game has been released for very few players in India and the Philippines. Recently on June 23, Apex Legends Mobile beta was announced for Egypt, Indonesia, Peru, Colombia, and Lebanon.
However, this closed beta will be released later on this year. Apex Legends Mobile is only available only on Andriod. The makers have promised a refined version for IOS as well. That will happen as soon as the current beta version is fully tested out.
There is a statement from Respawn Entertainment: “As we continue with testing, we’ll expand the size of these tests, add new regions, and implement iOS support. When we’re ready to go broader, we’ll launch a page that allows you to pre-register for the game and sign up for news about the betas.”
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