Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is Sending Your Data to a Chinese Server, IGN Reveals

 Recently krafton has  release  the early access   for pre registered for Android phones.The game is yet to released officially in India and for ios users .It is expected for the game to be released for android and ios users soon. It has not been more than one week since the game’s early access release.

The pubg mobile rebranded version bgmi gotten into controversy. . According to a new report, data from BGMI is being sent to servers in China’s Beijing. An IGN India report, citing its sources, stated that the data is sent to Tencent-run Proxima Beta in Hong Kong, as well as Microsoft Azure servers located in the US, Mumbai, and Moscow. 

 The team finded it by installing a data snifffer app  on their android phones .  It was found that one of the servers was run by China Mobile Communications Corporation located in Beijing. Other servers spotted include QCloud and AntiCheat Expert, both of which are Tencent’s servers.

The data being sent to China also included the user’s device data. Krafton’s new Battlegrounds Mobile India terms of service state that the personal information of players will be stored and processed in Indian servers. That being said, the new terms also state that the company may “transfer your data to other countries” in order to meet “legal requirements”.

On September 2nd 2020, Government of India banned PUBG Mobile along with another 117 Chinese apps. The major reason for the game’s ban was the presence of the Chinese entity of Tencent Games. Once again, the presence of another Chinese company in the game could delay its release.


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