Pubg ,Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) New season updates Air Conveyer, General Guardian Robot , Anti Gravity Motorcycle, Hyperlines ,Air Summing Device


1. BGMI: Air Summing Device

A new mode  is comming to erangel which will be mattrix mode . In this mode a new device will be introduced in the game. This device will be called as Air Summing Device which will be used to summon your personal airdrop.Air summing Device will be very rare to get .
when you use it ,it will  summon a air drop where you will get loot 

2. Battlegrounds Mobile India: Hyperlines

This  is trans gravitation  lines .These  hyperlines are faster than any vechiles .You can find the Hyperlines stations in few places at Erangel in Battlegrounds Mobile India where you will get to know about the remaining time of Hyperlines to that station. you can use this lines to go from one places to another places

3. Anti Gravity Motorcycle

 This is a high tech can use this to travel in ground as well as waterThis motorcycle works on levitation technology .It turns into hoverboard in water and remain simple on ground 

4. Battlegrounds Mobile India:General Guardian Robot 

this is robotic dog .when you go near it ,it will be show you to activate after activating it .Dog will work as your pet dog scan the area and mark  the supplies items for you and help in finding a good loot . 

5.  Air Conveyer

Air conveyor would be like catapult with large size .Air conveyor would be  throw player into air 
and parchute like beginning .This will help player to travel long distance and get into zone fast 


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