Battlegrounds Mobile India official gameplay first look, features, Account Transfer and More | GamingTotetsu


Early access to Battlegrounds Mobile India has been released on the Google Play     Store, allowing players to test out the game before releasing the final version.


In terms of gameplay Battlegrounds Mobile India is simmilar pubg mobile global version.However there are some small changes in game .

Battlegrounds Mobile has been setup on virtual traing ground . The same image is shown when you enter the game.
Battlegrounds Mobile India has only green hit effect
Battlegrounds Mobile India has only green hit effect

Krafton, in an earlier press said ,  that the Indian BGMI  game would feature a green hit effect. Battlegrounds Mobile India only has green hit effects while the global has red one .

However, the players have the can change the effect colors to different green shades.


Here is a list of game modes available in Battlegrounds Mobile India
Here is a list of game modes available in Battlegrounds Mobile India

Game modes available in Battlegrounds Mobile


  1. Erangel
  2. Livik
  3. Miramar
  4. Sanhok
  5. Karakin


  1. Quick Match
  2. Sniper Training 
  3. war


  1. Payload 2.0


  1. Team Deathmatch
  2. Arena Training
  3. Gun Game
  4. Assault
  5. Domination

Age restriction

Players below 18 years of age will face specific restriction
Players below 18 years of age will face specific restriction
Users will be able to transfer their items to Battlegrounds Mobile India
Users will be able to transfer their items to Battlegrounds Mobile India

Gamers are provided with an opportunity to migrate their older data to the particular BGMI Additionally, all of their existing items, including in-game currency, cosmetics, and more, will be transferred.


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